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All Posts From 2021 (4 Total)

GraphQL for .NET Developers

A comprehensive overview of GraphQL as an API solution with a focus on .NET developers.

ASP.NET Core ] [ API ] [ GraphQL ]

Azure Cosmos DB With EF Core on Blazor Server

Learn how to build Azure Cosmos DB apps using Entity Framework Core by following this example that features search, read, update, and delete functionality with audits and more.

Azure ] [ EF Core ] [ Azure Cosmos DB ] [ Blazor ]

Multi-tenancy with EF Core in Blazor Server Apps

Learn several ways to implement multi-tenant databases in Blazor Server apps using Entity Framework Core.

ASP.NET Core ] [ Blazor ] [ EF Core ] [ Entity Framework ]

An Easier Blazor Debounce

Where I propose a simple method to debounce input without relying on timers.

Blazor ] [ ASP.NET Core ]