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All Posts From 2019 (45 Total) Page 8 of 8

MVVM Support in Blazor

Simple solution for change detection across Blazor components by supporting the MVVM pattern and INotifiyPropertyChanged.

JavaScript ] [ Blazor ] [ WebAssembly ] [ Single Page Applications ] [ Web Development ]

From Angular to Blazor: The Health App

Build a sample app in Blazor, aย .NET-based framework for building web apps that run in the browser and leverages C# and Razor templates to generate cross-platform, HTML5-compliant WebAssembly code.

JavaScript ] [ .NET ] [ Blazor ] [ Single Page Applications ] [ Angular ]

Dependency Injection in Javascript 101

Large JavaScript projects may have dozens or even hundreds of related components interacting with each other. Managing dependencies between components can become incredibly complex if you aren't taking advantage of dependency injection. Learn what DI is and how to implement it with a simple reference application.

JavaScript ] [ Dependency injection ]