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All Posts From 2019 (45 Total) Page 6 of 8

The Many Flavors of Technical Presentations

A survey of different presentation styles from lightning talks to keynotes and workshops.

Presentation ] [ Productivity ] [ Learning ]

Vanilla.js — Getting Started

Build a fully functional dynamic and interactive web app that loads data from a Web API using nothing but pure HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

JavaScript ] [ Vanillajs ] [ Angular ] [ React ] [ Vuejs ]

How to Choose Where to Give Your Technical Presentation

A review of different styles of venues for technical presentations. Learn how to narrow down your options and choose the right place to speak.

Presentation ] [ Productivity ] [ Learning ]

A Guide for Everyone Who Wants to Give Technical Presentations

Introduction to a multi-part series about brainstorming, submitting for, building, practicing, delivering, and following up on technical presentations.

Presentation ] [ Productivity ] [ Learning ]

TypeScript for JavaScript Developers by Refactoring Part 2 of 2

Learn advanced TypeScript features by refactoring JavaScript to use interfaces, apply type guards, and create aspect-oriented reusable behaviors with experimental decorators.

Typescript ] [ Javscript ] [ Nodejs ] [ Training ] [ Presentation ]

Plasma gets Rust-y: Another WebAssembly Experiment

Building a plasma canvas effect using Wasm compiled from Rust.

JavaScript ] [ Webassembly ] [ Rust ] [ Web ]