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All Posts From 2019 (45 Total) Page 2 of 8

Moving From Lambda ƛ to Azure Functions <⚡>

Six part video series walks through migration of a JavaScript Node.js AWS Lambda serverless function that uses DynamoDB for cache to Azure Functions.

AWS Lambda ] [ Azure Functions ] [ Serverless ] [ Cloud ] [ Migration ]

Exploring Blazor

Full presentation video with hands-on demonstration of Blazor, a cross-platform solution for building Single Page Applications using C#. Learn about WebAssembly and how it enables .NET to run in the browser without plugins and see firsthand how fast and easy it is to build web apps.

Blazor ] [ .NET ] [ .NET Core ] [ Single Page Applications ] [ Presentation ]

Build Data-Driven Web Apps Blazing Fast with Blazor and OData

Build data-driven .NET applications with seamless client-server communication using fluent C# LINQ over OData (like GraphQL but without the JSON).

.NET Core ] [ OData ] [ Blazor ] [ Web Development ] [ GraphQL ]

Introducing Durable Entities for Serverless State

Learn how durable entities provide explicit management of state in serverless applications and guarantee operations are safe to execute without concurrency conflicts.

Software architecture ] [ Concurrency ] [ Serverless ] [ Distributed transactions ] [ Azure Functions ]

Implement a Progressive Web App (PWA) in your Static Website

Step-by-step guide to turn your static website into a Progressive Web App (PWA) including icons, manifest, and service worker code with examples using Hugo.

Hugo ] [ Progressive Web App ] [ PWA ] [ JavaScript ] [ Static Website ]

Create an Article Preview in Hugo

Generate a thumbnail for your Hugo posts on the fly, then create a custom short code that uses thumbnails and page data like title and description to embed a post preview to interlink documents.

Hugo ] [ Static website ] [ Go ]