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All Posts From 2018 (25 Total) Page 4 of 5

Docker Management and Kubernetes Orchestration

Learn about Docker containers and orchestration with Kubernetes. Includes live video examples using Azure Container Registry, Azure Container Instances, and Azure Kubernetes Service.

Docker ] [ Kubernetes ] [ Container ] [ Azure ] [ Cloud ]

Raise Your Signal-to-Noise Ratio

Raise your signal-to-noise ratio and improve your productivity by learning about leverage, focus, the power of three and other tips I use every day to accomplish more output with less input.

Productivity ] [ Signal To Noise ] [ Motivation ] [ Organization ] [ Inspiration ]

Azure Event Grid: Glue for the Internet

Learn about the serverless publisher/subscriber (“pubsub”) service in Azure called Event Grid. Includes presentation, photos, and source code.

Azure ] [ Pub Sub ] [ Serverless ] [ Event Grid ] [ Azure Functions ]

Serverless in South Florida

Contains videos of demos, full deck, and photo recap of South Florida Code Camp presentation about serverless applications on Azure including functions, logic apps, event grid, and app insights.

Serverless ] [ Azure ] [ Azure Functions ] [ Logic Apps ] [ Presentation ]

Presentation: Introduction to TypeScript

Recap of presentation with full source code repository and interactive presentation introducing TypeScript to JavaScript developers.

JavaScript ] [ Typescript ] [ Web Development ]

Serverless Twitter Analytics with CosmosDB and Logic Apps

Learn how to use Logic Apps to query CosmosDB documents, authenticate with and search Twitter, and provide insightful analytics without writing code.

Social Media ] [ NoSQL ] [ Cloud ] [ Cosmosdb ]