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All Posts From 2018 (25 Total) Page 2 of 5

Deploy Angular andĀ .NET Core 2.1 to the Azure Cloud (Part Four)

Learn how to deploy an Angular application with aĀ .NET Core backend to the cloud using serverless, static websites, and Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) on Azure.

Angular ] [ .NET ] [ .NET Core ] [ Azure ] [ Serverless ]

Server-side Rendering (SSR) with Angular inĀ .NET Core 2.1 (Part Three)

Take advantage of Angular Universal and integration withĀ .NET Core to pre-render single page application pages using server-side rendering (SSR).

JavaScript ] [ Angular ] [ Angular Univ ] [ Net Core ] [ Server Side Rendering ]

The AngularĀ .NET Core 2.1 Template (Part Two)

Learn how to use the ASP.NET Core Angular template to create a single project with front-end and API code that supports seamless debugging between the browser and the server.

JavaScript ] [ Typescript ] [ Net Core ] [ Angular ] [ Csharp ]

Get Started with Angular onĀ .NET Core 2.1 (Part One)

Learn how Angular andĀ .NET Core provide everything you need to deliver modern single page web applications. Set up a static web app with a dynamic REST API back-end.

JavaScript ] [ Typescript ] [ Angular ] [ .NET ] [ Azure ]

What the Shard?

Learn how to leverage the MongoDB C# driver to set up sharding with partition key from code for your Azure Cosmos DB database.

Programming ] [ Azure ] [ Cosmosdb ] [ Mongodb ] [ Sharding ]

Hack Your Career: WeRise

The deck and video for my career hacks talk that I presented at the WeRise Women who Code conference in 2018.

Public Speaking ] [ Career ] [ Resume Writing ] [ Technology ] [ Life Lessons ]