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All Posts From 2017 (34 Total) Page 5 of 6

JSON and the MongoDB Driver for the .NET Developer

Learn how to leverage the MongoDB driver for .NET Core 2.0 apps to query document databases with ease and support for both strong and dynamic types.

Programming ] [ Cosmosdb ] [ Mongodb ] [ NoSQL ] [ .NET Core ]

.NET Core 2.0 is Ready and Sterling Proves It!

Learn about the new features available in .NET Core 2.0 and how to migrate existing .NET apps with an example based on the open source Sterling NoSQL database.

Microsoft ] [ .NET ] [ .NET Core ] [ Azure ]

Reflecting on 15 Years of Blogging

Jeremy Likness reflects on his personal history of blogging for over 15 years, shares why he moved to medium, and stats from over 8 years of his old blog.

Tech ] [ Blog ] [ Blogger ]

Presentations Archive

This article contains descriptions of presentations Jeremy Likness gave in the past, including any videos and links to assets such as decks and source code.

JavaScript ] [ Presentation ]

Upcoming Talks

Visit this page to see where and when I'll be speaking and what topics I'll be covering.

Speaking ] [ Presentation ]

Herding Cattle with the Azure Container Service (ACS)

Deck and video focuses on Azure Container Service, a tool that enables creation and management of Kubernetes, Docker Swarm, and Mesos DC/OS clusters with ease.

Docker ] [ Azure ] [ Kubernetes ] [ Presentation ]