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All Posts From 2017 (34 Total) Page 2 of 6

Five RESTFul Web Design Patterns Implemented in ASP.NET Core 2.0 Part 1: Content Negotiation

Learn how to implement several popular RESTful Web API design patterns like content negotation, HATEOAS, exception handling, and more using ASP .NET Core 2.0.

Rest Api ] [ Webapi ] [ .NET Core ] [ API ] [ Api Development ]

Lift and Shift your .NET App to Azure

Learn how to transform a legacy application to take advantage of advanced cloud architectures including Platform-as-a-Service and serverless using Azure App Services, Azure Functions, and Proxies.

Serverless ] [ Lift And Shift ] [ Azure ] [ Azure Functions ] [ Cloud Computing ]

The San Francisco/Bay Area Serverless Tour 2017

Summary of my San Francisco and Mountain View tour sharing serverless Azure Functions, Logic Apps, and Application Insights with West Coast developers.

Serverless ] [ Azure ] [ Azure Functions ] [ JavaScript ] [ Nodejs ]

Exploring the CosmosDB with Power BI

Learn how I leveraged CosmosDB to store telemetry from a URL shortening tool, then analyze the data in a PowerBI dashboard.

Azure ] [ Cosmosdb ] [ Analytics ] [ Business Intelligence ] [ Social Media Marketing ]

Interview: Women Tech Talk with Alicia Carr

Interview about the We Rise: Women in Tech conference, women who code, diversity and inclusion and a little bit about my background too.

Women In Tech ] [ Diversity ] [ Inclusion ] [ Development ] [ Podcast ]

Expanding Azure Functions to the Cosmos

Serverless data platform CosmosDB meets serverless compute platform Azure Functions in this example based on a URL link shortener that is used to track click-through metrics.

Azure ] [ Azure Functions ] [ Cosmosdb ] [ NoSQL ] [ Serverless ]