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All Posts Tagged "Programming" (9 Total) Page 2 of 2

JSON and the MongoDB Driver for the .NET Developer

Learn how to leverage the MongoDB driver for .NET Core 2.0 apps to query document databases with ease and support for both strong and dynamic types.

Programming ] [ Cosmosdb ] [ Mongodb ] [ NoSQL ] [ .NET Core ]

Celebrating Twenty Years of Open Source

Open source software, or OSS, is a buzzword today but has been around for decades. This article explores the history of Jeremy’s experience with open source software.

Open Source ] [ Github ] [ Angular ] [ Programming ] [ Typescript ]

30 Years of “Hello, World”

BASIC? Fortran? RPG/ILE? This post has your languages covered and travels through 30 years of coding history by following the classic, “Hello, World” app.

Programming ]