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All Posts Tagged "JavaScript" (26 Total) Page 1 of 5

Build a Single Page Application (SPA) Site With Vanilla.js

Modern JavaScript has all of the capabilities and features necessary to build a complete Single Page Application (SPA) experience without relying on a framework. Learn how to use the latest language features like modules and web components to handle templates, animation, routing and databinding.

Vanilla.js ] [ JavaScript ] [ Databinding ] [ Web Components ]

Client-side JavaScript Databinding without a Framework

A simple look at how databinding works with a pure JavaScript implementation.

JavaScript ] [ Vanilla.js ] [ Databinding ]

Implement a Progressive Web App (PWA) in your Static Website

Step-by-step guide to turn your static website into a Progressive Web App (PWA) including icons, manifest, and service worker code with examples using Hugo.

Hugo ] [ Progressive Web App ] [ PWA ] [ JavaScript ] [ Static Website ]

Dynamic Search in a Static Hugo Website

Add dynamic search to a static Hugo website with custom templates to generate JSON and JavaScript to parse the results.

Hugo ] [ JavaScript ] [ JSON ] [ Search ]

Play the Chaos Game to Understand WebAssembly Memory Management

Explore memory management, passing and accessing arrays between JavaScript and WebAssembly with this fractal “chaos game” coded in C.

Programming ] [ JavaScript ] [ Webassembly ] [ Wasm ] [ Fractals ]

Convert Modern JavaScript to Legacy (ECMAScript 5) in Minutes

Learn how to use TypeScript to convert and transform modern JavaScript to legacy ECMAScript 5.

JavaScript ] [ Typescript ] [ Ecmascript 5 ]