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All Posts Tagged "Blazor" (22 Total) Page 1 of 4

Azure Cosmos DB With EF Core on Blazor Server

Learn how to build Azure Cosmos DB apps using Entity Framework Core by following this example that features search, read, update, and delete functionality with audits and more.

Azure ] [ EF Core ] [ Azure Cosmos DB ] [ Blazor ]

Multi-tenancy with EF Core in Blazor Server Apps

Learn several ways to implement multi-tenant databases in Blazor Server apps using Entity Framework Core.

ASP.NET Core ] [ Blazor ] [ EF Core ] [ Entity Framework ]

An Easier Blazor Debounce

Where I propose a simple method to debounce input without relying on timers.

Blazor ] [ ASP.NET Core ]

2020: The Year of Data

An in-depth analysis of goals for 2020, along with statistics across social media, blogs, and my link tracker.

Technology ] [ Blazor ] [ EF Core ] [ .NET Core ]

Run EF Core Queries on SQL Server From Blazor WebAssembly

A diary of building Expression Power Tools, a library that helps work with expressions and queries. Includes the ability to deserialize and reserialize a query so you can write a LINQ query in a Blazor WebAssembly client and execute it remotely on an ASP.NET Core server using Entity Framework Core.

EF Core ] [ Blazor ] [ Expressions ] [ LINQ ]

Build an Azure AD Secured Blazor Server Line of Business App

Build a Blazor Server line of business app on top of an existing set of libraries with Azure Active Directory authentication. Features sorting, filtering, auditing, optimistic concurrency and more, with a control UI that is shared between client and server projects.

WebAssembly ] [ EF Core ] [ Blazor ] [ .NET Core ]