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All Posts Tagged ".NET Core" (23 Total) Page 2 of 4

Build a Blazor WebAssembly Line of Business App Part 2: Client and Server

Part 2 of the series that describes a fully functional real-world project built in Blazor WebAssembly with EF Core. Part 2 focuses on the Web API, shadow properties, automation of audit, and the repository implementation.

WebAssembly ] [ EF Core ] [ Blazor ] [ .NET Core ]

Build a Blazor WebAssembly Line of Business App Part 1: Intro and Data Access

Describes a fully functional real-world project built in Blazor WebAssembly with EF Core that demonstrates authentication, logging, shadow properties, auditing, optimistic concurrency, entity validation, paging/sorting/filtering and more.

WebAssembly ] [ EF Core ] [ Blazor ] [ .NET Core ]

Dynamically Build LINQ Expressions

If you want to master Language Integrated Query (LINQ), you first need to understand the expressions it is based on. This blog post demonstrates how to dynamically build a LINQ expression tree with multiple nested conditions, use the compiled query to filter an in-memory list, then reuse the expression query a relational database.

LINQ ] [ EF Core ] [ Data ] [ .NET Core ]

Exploring Blazor

Full presentation video with hands-on demonstration of Blazor, a cross-platform solution for building Single Page Applications using C#. Learn about WebAssembly and how it enables .NET to run in the browser without plugins and see firsthand how fast and easy it is to build web apps.

Blazor ] [ .NET ] [ .NET Core ] [ Single Page Applications ] [ Presentation ]

Build Data-Driven Web Apps Blazing Fast with Blazor and OData

Build data-driven .NET applications with seamless client-server communication using fluent C# LINQ over OData (like GraphQL but without the JSON).

.NET Core ] [ OData ] [ Blazor ] [ Web Development ] [ GraphQL ]

Using LINQ to Query Dynamic Schema-less Cosmos DB Documents

A look at the latest Azure SDKs for .NET with a sample .NET Core app that uses the Cosmos DB SDK and LINQ to iterate over documents with a dynamic schema.

Azure ] [ Cosmos DB ] [ NoSQL ] [ .NET ] [ .NET Core ]