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All Posts Tagged ".NET" (17 Total) Page 1 of 3

My New Role as Senior Program Manager for .NET Data

I recently accepted a new role at Microsoft as Senior Program Manager for .NET Data. This post explains the history behind the decision, what I'll be doing and how you can help.

Microsoft ] [ .NET ] [ Data ] [ SQL ] [ NoSQL ]

Blazor State Management

Blazor Server and Blazor WebAssembly (client) don't store state by default, resulting in a subpar user experience. Learn what makes up state in Blazor apps and discover solutions implemented in shared, easy to use libraries that take advantage of browser cache and server persistence to solve Blazor state management.

Blazor ] [ .NET ] [ ASP.NET ] [ State ]

Blazor: .NET in Your Browser

A quick hands-on video introduction to Blazor, a cross-platform full stack solution for creating Single Page Apps using C# and .NET.

Presentation ] [ Blazor ] [ .NET ] [ C# ]

Exploring Blazor

Full presentation video with hands-on demonstration of Blazor, a cross-platform solution for building Single Page Applications using C#. Learn about WebAssembly and how it enables .NET to run in the browser without plugins and see firsthand how fast and easy it is to build web apps.

Blazor ] [ .NET ] [ .NET Core ] [ Single Page Applications ] [ Presentation ]

Using LINQ to Query Dynamic Schema-less Cosmos DB Documents

A look at the latest Azure SDKs for .NET with a sample .NET Core app that uses the Cosmos DB SDK and LINQ to iterate over documents with a dynamic schema.

Azure ] [ Cosmos DB ] [ NoSQL ] [ .NET ] [ .NET Core ]

Presentation: WebAssembly, C#, and Blazor at CodeStock 2019

Get the presentation, source code and step-by-step demo instructions for a session that covers how to run C# andΒ .NET in the browser without plugins using Blazor over WebAssembly.

JavaScript ] [ Single Page Applications ] [ Blazor ] [ .NET ] [ Presentation ]