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The Amazing Secret to Crafting Conference Submissions that Don't Suck

Create an attention-grabbing title and mind-blowing abstract that hit the right details so your submission stands out when you apply to present a talk.

Presentation ] [ Productivity ] [ Learning ] [ CFP ]

Play the Chaos Game to Understand WebAssembly Memory Management

Explore memory management, passing and accessing arrays between JavaScript and WebAssembly with this fractal “chaos game” coded in C.

Programming ] [ JavaScript ] [ Webassembly ] [ Wasm ] [ Fractals ]

Convert Modern JavaScript to Legacy (ECMAScript 5) in Minutes

Learn how to use TypeScript to convert and transform modern JavaScript to legacy ECMAScript 5.

JavaScript ] [ Typescript ] [ Ecmascript 5 ]

Presentation: WebAssembly, C#, and Blazor at CodeStock 2019

Get the presentation, source code and step-by-step demo instructions for a session that covers how to run C# and .NET in the browser without plugins using Blazor over WebAssembly.

JavaScript ] [ Single Page Applications ] [ Blazor ] [ .NET ] [ Presentation ]

The Many Flavors of Technical Presentations

A survey of different presentation styles from lightning talks to keynotes and workshops.

Presentation ] [ Productivity ] [ Learning ]

Vanilla.js — Getting Started

Build a fully functional dynamic and interactive web app that loads data from a Web API using nothing but pure HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

JavaScript ] [ Vanillajs ] [ Angular ] [ React ] [ Vuejs ]