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Upcoming Talks

Visit this page to see where and when I'll be speaking and what topics I'll be covering.

Speaking ] [ Presentation ]

Herding Cattle with the Azure Container Service (ACS)

Deck and video focuses on Azure Container Service, a tool that enables creation and management of Kubernetes, Docker Swarm, and Mesos DC/OS clusters with ease.

Docker ] [ Azure ] [ Kubernetes ] [ Presentation ]

Docker Containers at Scale with Azure Web App on Linux

The Azure team recently announced a new feature that is currently in preview called Azure Web App on Linux. This feature enables you to host web apps natively on Linux. The service enables you to…

Docker ] [ Containers ] [ Azure ] [ Linux ]

Music City Code 2017

This was my first year to attend the Music City Code conference in “the Music City” Nashville, Tennessee. It was held on the beautiful Vanderbilt University campus, where they advertise a 3-to-1…

Docker ] [ Kubernetes ] [ Angularjs ] [ Typescript ] [ Presentation ]

Create a Serverless Angular App with Azure Functions and Blob Storage

Learn how to create a fully serverless Angular TypeScript and Node.js app using Azure Functions and Azure Blob Storage.

Angular2 ] [ Azure ] [ Azure Functions ] [ Nodejs ] [ Typescript ]

Celebrating Twenty Years of Open Source

Open source software, or OSS, is a buzzword today but has been around for decades. This article explores the history of Jeremy’s experience with open source software.

Open Source ] [ Github ] [ Angular ] [ Programming ] [ Typescript ]